i am *EVERYTHING* you ::WANT:: *EVERYTHING* you ::NEED:: *EVERYTHING* inside of you that you wish you ::COULD:: be, i say *ALL THE RIGHT THINGS* at ::EXACTLY:: the right time but i mean ::NOTHING:: to you & i don't know why....
Published on August 31, 2004 By Neu Shen In Welcome
Cookie Monster's Bulimia Nervosa Yes, cookies *are* good. But too much of anything
is never a good thing. Instead of bingeing and
purging, try to regulate your eating habits.
Maybe instead of having two dozen cookies, you
could have two. Also, you should slow down
your eating. Chew each bite several times
before swallowing. Eating more slowly makes it
easier to tell when you are full. And don't
worry about body image--people love you just
the way you are, googly eyes and all.

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla -hey im not bulemic! according to my mum though i look anorexic? lol
Which of my favorite movies is most like you?

Ever After

You are a romantic at heart. You are also a dreamer, and love to read.

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